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Welcome To ATCA
American Theatrical Costume Association
Image by michael podger

The American Theatrical Costume Association (ATCA) is a community of costume educators, focused on our dual responsibilities of teaching and scholarship. The goal of the ATCA community is to combat the sense of isolation often experienced by costume educators, and flip the script to highlight our collective value, explore our embodied knowledge, and foster leadership in our extended performance communities. ATCA provides a virtual and online space for the costume community to support each other, learn from each other, and exchange ideas for practice and pedagogy

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Browse our library of growing resources- tools to help with your teaching, continued learning, and navigation of higher education  

Image by Andrew Neel


Join this growing community of designers, scholars and educators. Connect with others who seek to push the boundaries of what costume scholarship looks like.

Image by Merve Sehirli Nasir
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